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Several Boy and Girl Students with Faculty and Staff at Taos Day School Getting Ready to go On a Day Hike with Their Backbacks.
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Discovering Taos Day School

Taos Day School is located within the historical boundary of Taos Pueblo, the most northern of the 19 Pueblos in New Mexico. Our student population is 105 students in grades Kindergarten through Eighth Grade.

Project-based Learning Opportunities

Our school focuses on project-based learning opportunities that allow students to utilize brainstorming, inquiry, and redesign within the learning process. Students are encouraged to use divergent thinking skills as they work independently and together within their core subject areas.

Information Technology Skills and Access

Taos Day School has focused on increasing information technology skills and access at the school and community levels. Students are learning new program skills and using new technology alongside their teachers through the Bureau of Indian Education Strategic Transformation of Education Plan (STEP) eLMS Project. Through a new learning platform and updated technology infrastructure, students and teachers are ready to work in a hybrid technological framework that increases the usage of computer programming on-site and virtually.

Comprehensive STEAM Program

Taos Day School’s comprehensive STEAM program collaborates with local and outside agencies and businesses. In the 2022-23 school year, we established a lab which allows students to work on circuitry projects, create wearable electronics, and focus on robotics as a viable career path. A grant through BIE Title IV funding made this possible.

At the lower grade level, we provide early childhood programming related to STEAM through outside business partnerships.

Social and Emotional Welfare Programs

Taos Day School focuses on our students’ social and emotional welfare by providing ongoing prevention programs at all grade levels. We utilize community resources to ensure student wellness and education go hand in hand.

Literacy Magazine

A student-generated Literacy Magazine is published yearly and disseminated throughout the community and to educational stakeholders. This publication showcases student work through structured and free-form writing opportunities. Teachers provide weekly writing prompts at all grade levels to help students get ready to submit their final writing piece by early spring of each year.

Community Involvement and Wellness Program

Community involvement is essential to the social and emotional growth of our students. Early morning wellness programming includes activities such as dance, yoga, tae kwon do, and tai chi. Our upper-grade level bike repair workshop, run by volunteers from Field Institute of Taos (FIT), teaches our students elementary skills such as repairing brakes, fixing a flat tire and steering, and general riding safety.

After School and Summer Camp Program

Taos Day School provides a 21st Century Learning After School Program and a yearly summer camp for students. Local community members are encouraged to share their talents and passions with our student population. Programming includes, but is not limited to, Culinary Arts, Mural Painting, Soccer, Robotics, and a Girl’s Empowerment Club.

Media Literacy

Taos Day School has worked on infusing media literacy into our curriculum with teachers and students in all grades working together to increase the usage of sound room production, videography, and media production aligned with the BIE College and Career Readiness Standards. Classrooms work throughout the year to create a final media literacy project that is then disseminated to Taos Day School stakeholders and the local community.

Native Language and Culture Classes

Taos Day School holds a historical context on Taos Pueblo. Generations of Elders have attended our school over the years. We welcome the community to work with our students and share their stories. Taos Day School provides native language and culture classes to students in all grade levels and embraces the cultural values of our local community.

Photo Gallery of Taos Day School Students Cooking, Having a Picnic Outside, Participating in a Tae Kwon Do Class, Fixing a Bike, and Microscopes on a Table.

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