
We are the Taos Day School Eagles of the Taos, NM Pueblo Tribal community. Our mission is to make sure all students excel above and beyond all academic expectations using both traditional and digital learning initiatives. Every one of our students has access to high quality learning resources and modalities for success in all academic settings. We welcome students to an exciting learning environment where every day presents a new opportunity to grow. As our Eagles grow, soar, and reach new academic heights, their futures become brighter. From childhood to adolescence, Taos Day School students discover and develop a wide range of academic interests, skills, and talents.
Taos Day School serves the specific educational needs of the Taos Pueblo community’s children. Our school is dedicated to this most critical time period-Kindergarten through 8th grade-in the development of our community. Health and safety are the top priorities as we establish effective learning programs to guide and support students from childhood through adolescence. Taos Day School’s constant connection to the Pueblo community will nurture all students as they develop academically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually.
Our academic programs help preserve tribal custom and build upon the rich Taos Pueblo history. Taos Day School curricula includes Tiwa language studies, Taos Pueblo arts, culture, and traditions. Qualified and experienced teaching staff helps students to prepare and adjust to society’s continued technological advances while embracing all aspects of their true identities and ancestry. Taos Day School understands the unique learning and teaching strategies necessary for growth of its community. Eager children enter the doors of our learning center and exit them as leaders.
Principal’s Message
Taos Day School has just implemented a new information technology infrastructure that has equaled or surpassed outlying school districts. Teachers and students are working to increase digital learning opportunities through the new education learning management system which has allowed us to increase STEAM activities and create a robotics program and a circuitry lab for students.
Taos Day School offers a comprehensive media literacy program that teaches students how to evaluate and access media as a form of education that aligns with academic and social needs. Wellness programming is offered weekly and allows students to participate in activities such as yoga, dance, Tai chi, and Tae kwon do.
Opportunities exist for students to participate in events outside of Taos Day School, such as the New Mexico Electric Car Race Challenge and Battle of the Books, to name a few.
As you scroll through our website, I hope you become enthused by the opportunities provided to your child(ren) and share in the adventures of learning at Taos Day School.
See you soon.
Andy Haimowitz
Taos Day School
Strategic Transformation of Education Plan (STEP)
For the 2022-23 school year, Taos Day School is implementing the Strategic Transformation of Education Plan initiative – a digital learning portal with a blended learning approach. Our students can maximize this opportunity by accessing the digital learning portal with a 1:1 student-laptop usage ratio. This approach gives our students every advantage with integrated applications, such as personalized and assessment-based math and reading curriculum, Native language and culture educational programs, and accelerated learning strategies for our tailored instruction. Every one of our students benefits from dynamic teaching tools that use state-of-the-art resources. Taos Day School’s team of dedicated educators is committed to the growth and development of your children - tomorrow’s leaders.

Through Authentic Opportunities
Taos Day School Students will:
- Succeed Academically
- Be Nurtured Socially and Emotionally
- Embrace Cultural Values