Special Education

Special Education Program at Taos Day School
The Taos Day School Special Education program provides hands-on, scientifically based instruction for students that are diagnosed with disabilities that range from a specific learning disability to autism. Students are provided targeted instruction through either a pullout or inclusion program.
Specialized instruction is monitored during the school year to determine if accommodations and/or modifications in learning or curriculum meet the student’s unique needs. Instruction is often redesigned throughout the year to ensure that a student’s changing educational needs are always addressed.
Taos Day School follows IDEA Part B to assure parents/guardians that students are being served in the least restrictive environment. These services, including adaptive equipment and special communication systems, help them achieve academic and social goals.
The Taos Day School Special Education Program utilizes ancillary services in Social Work, Speech Therapy, and Occupational Therapy. Depending on the caseload, the Special Education Program may utilize these specific programs and/or related services for disabilities such as autism, auditory processing disorders, or any disabilities that impede academic or social functioning skills.
The Special Education Program at Taos Day School follows procedural safeguards and protocols to ensure every child has equal access to academic and social programming that guarantees a free and worthwhile education.